Gustav Klimt

  • 网络古斯塔夫·克里姆特;克林姆;古斯塔夫·克林姆;克里姆
Gustav KlimtGustav Klimt
  1. The paintings of Gustav Klimt inspire me to continue with my art classes .


  2. Gustav Klimt is representative of European Art Nouveau and one of the important figures in Vienna secession , austria .


  3. The previous most expensive painting was Gustav Klimt 's Adele Bloch-Bauer I , which sold for $ 135 million in2006 .


  4. The movement 's most famous member was Viennese painter Gustav Klimt , and his work , as well as that of other secessionists , is showcased at the Secession Pavilion , desighed by Josef Maria Olbrich .
